[Click on links provided below to view annotated pdfs. To read author annotations, hover over the highlighted text or comment boxes in the pdf. Ignore the time and date in the annotation box; they refer to when the annotation was added to the pdf by the website creator, not when the comment was made by the author.]
  • Reflections of Craig Benkman on Benkman, C. W. (1999). The selection mosaic and diversifying coevolution between crossbills and lodgepole pine. The American Naturalist, 153(S5), S75-S91. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 8 February 2017)
  • Reflections of Daniel Bolnick on Bolnick, D. I., Svanbäck, R., Fordyce, J. A., Yang, L. H., Davis, J. M., Hulsey, C. D., & Forister, M. L. (2003). The ecology of individuals: incidence and implications of individual specialization. The American Naturalist, 161(1), 1-28. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 21 December 2016)
  • Reflections of Jeannine Cavender-Bares on Cavender-Bares, J., Ackerly, D. D., Baum, D. A., & Bazzaz, F. A. (2004). Phylogenetic overdispersion in Floridian oak communities. The American Naturalist, 163(6), 823-843. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 21 December 2016 and updated over email in 2021)
  • Reflections of Mary Jane West-Eberhard on Eberhard, M. J. W. (1975). The evolution of social behavior by kin selection. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 50(1), 1-33. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 7 May 2018)
  • Reflections of Joseph Felsenstein on Felsenstein, J. (1985). Phylogenies and the comparative method. The American Naturalist, 125(1), 1-15. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 23 November 2016)
  • Reflections of Jessica Gurevitch on Gurevitch, J., Morrow, L. L., Wallace, A., & Walsh, J. S. (1992). A meta-analysis of competition in field experiments. The American Naturalist, 140(4), 539-572. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 2 December 2016)
  • Reflections of Susan Harrison on Harrison, S., Murphy, D. D., & Ehrlich, P. R. (1988). Distribution of the bay checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha bayensis: evidence for a metapopulation model. The American Naturalist, 132(3), 360-382. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 22 December 2017)
  • Reflections of Craig Packer on Packer, C., Scheel, D., & Pusey, A. E. (1990). Why lions form groups: food is not enough. The American Naturalist, 136(1), 1-19. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 6 January 2017)
  • Reflections of Stuart Pimm on Pimm, S. L., Jones, H. L., & Diamond, J. (1988). On the risk of extinction. The American Naturalist, 132(6), 757-785. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 17 August 2016)
  • Reflections of Joan Roughgarden on Roughgarden, J. (1972). Evolution of niche width. The American Naturalist, 106(952), 683-718. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 27 December 2017)
  • Reflections of Dolph Schluter on Schluter, D., & McPhail, J. D. (1992). Ecological character displacement and speciation in sticklebacks. The American Naturalist, 140(1), 85-108. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 2 August 2016)
  • Reflections of Diane Srivastava on Srivastava, D. S., & Lawton, J. H. (1998). Why more productive sites have more species: an experimental test of theory using tree-hole communities. The American Naturalist, 152(4), 510-529. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 3 December 2019)
  • Reflections of Stephen Stearns on Stearns, S. C. (1976). Life-history tactics: a review of the ideas. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 51(1), 3-47. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 2 December 2016)
  • Reflections of Mark Vellend on Vellend, M. (2010). Conceptual synthesis in community ecology. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 85(2), 183-206. 
    (annotations drawn from interview conducted on 6 September 2016)